As a publisher, author, speaker and trainer I know my strengths. I can write decently. I enjoy helping others. What I am NOT good at is installing cPanel on my server. Nor am I proficient at installing a directory for a wordpress site for one of my books. I’m not even sure what that is!

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If you are struggling to manage, grow or develop your business, you are not alone. Many authors, speakers and entrepreneurs KNOW they need to provide high-quality and useful content to the world. You understand that you need to cut through the myriad of marketing messages out there and stand out from the crowd. With thousands

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It doesn’t matter if you are an entrepreneur, professional, stay at home mom or happily employed, everyone at one time or another feels better and has a more fulfilling life if they have more time, money and a purpose. With sweeping changes in healthcare, a languishing economy or a stagnant job, partnering or “joint venturing”

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Remember that $197 (or $1997!) seminar you attended? Take a trip down memory lane (or check your email history) and read how slick, engaging and personal the marketing was BEFORE you bought. The copy was compelling. Hell, the writer was probably a hypnotist. In the end, you bought because you ‘felt’ the product or service

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Solo entrepreneurs are never alone. While most of the time they may feel alone, they are not. Human beings are social animals and regardless of your profession, family or hobby, people work in teams. Authors have editors. Artists have fans. Athletes have coaches. Entrepreneurs, even 1-person shops, have vendors, clients, family…heck, some even have friends.

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Take a vacation every month! Yeah, it sounds crazy and non-productive. But if you follow me here, you’ll realize that after you set aside a full WEEK every month, the other three weeks of your month you will be super productive, rested and equally important, work HARDER and SMARTER. Why? Because if you don’t, you

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