November 30


The Power and Success of Referrals

OK, business owners, here’s a test:

How many of you have bought over 100 copies of any single book and given it to your clients?

No? None? Hmm…I’m sorry, I thought you were in NETWORK marketing? I am not involved with an MLM at this point in my life, but when I was, I was encouraged to read a NEW book every single month. In fact, many of the books I read were promoted from my upline so that I could become a better husband, father, business person, communicator, leader and networker. One of these books was so useful in my MLM business that I actually applied about ½ of the principles to my day job (which I have since retired from) and became extremely successful. You see, about 11 years ago, I was in the cellular phone industry focusing on corporate clients. I moved up the ranks from a standard account rep. to regional and then national sales. Interestingly, during the late 90’s, the Nextel system was still in its infancy and the walkie-talkie feature was so revolutionary, they hired us to explain it to businesses and create a more productive communication for our clients. The work was, like any sales job, full of cold calls, meetings, rejection and occasional sales. Does that sound familiar?

As a new employee I was trained to “dial for dollars” every day regardless of the appointments I had set up. Like your business, leads are the life blood of any business. (Which is why I strongly encourage you to register for our FREE newsletter)

After about a month of cold calling, I pulled out one of the books given to me by my upline titled, Endless Referrals, by Bob Burg. For the next 2 and ½ years at Nextel I never made a cold call again…ever.

I could end the story there and let that be the lesson. However, you may need some additional encouragement to go out and buy this book right now. After utilizing only about ½ of Bob’s techniques, I became the #2 guy at the company. (The #1 guy had ALSO read the book!) And for over 2 years I won numerous awards, trips and made a decent living using the Endless Referral system to create not just new customers, but fans! I was so enthralled with my success, that after I left my MLM company and started my own real estate investor academy, I purchased over 200 copies of the book, gave it to my students and tested them to make sure they read it!

If you love stalking strangers at fast food restaurants looking for leads, or think the idea of building a business is setting up a booth at a trade show, welcome to a painfully long process to build your business. All successful leaders in MLM or any business know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising. This oniker has been around for decades. However, does ANYONE actually teach, monitor, measure and improve upon their word of mouth campaign?

Bob does.

When you read this book, you will learn:

  • How to be the center of attention at every networking event
  • How to get THOUSANDS of referrals without asking
  • How sending a single article can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars
  • Why your business card is useless
  • How to follow up and remember everyone you meet.

There are dozens of practical and extremely useful strategies and techniques to put you in the top 1% of your industry. Applying even half of Bob’s strategies can make your marketing initiatives as effortless as breathing. Do yourself a huge favor and get a copy of his book today. Do yourself an even bigger favor by reading and applying everything he teaches.

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