Not everyone can do everything, so it makes sense to share resources, clients, and friendship. We don’t have a formal, “here is your link” program. Rather, if you are reading this, we’ve already met. Any introduction you make is instantly vetted and approved for a complimentary conversation with me or my staff.
Why? What’s in it for you?
Aside from the money (we’ll get to that in a bit), there is a tremendous value by referring your clients to me. Primarily, it will make you look good; even great!
When I refer business to you, it shows my clients I have their best interests in mind. I don’t focus on my product. I don’t focus on my industry. I focus on them… on their needs. This client-focused approach means no matter what they need, if I can’t provide it, my experience, resources, and my network are instantly offered to them.
And visa versa.
The best way to introduce me is through an email and Linkedin connection. I don’t expect you to ‘sell’ my programs, nor even explain it to them fully. In fact, the less you explain the better. Below is an overview you can share:
Author Your Brand (VIP)
My signature, 100% done for you service gives a client a #1 Best Selling book, Press Kit, News Media, and a full 14-page funnel of web pages, hypnotic sales copy, a membership portal, podcast interviews and much more. It is basically a business in a box with a best selling book. The process takes a few months. Your client does not write their book or take a single tutorial. We do it all for them.
Referral partners earn $2,500
Author Your Brand (Premium)
For authors who prefer to write their own book or hire a ghostwriter, designer, proofer, editor, etc. and run their own show, we have a ‘done with you’ program that is much more affordable than our VIP service. Our client works with me privately. Over the course of 180 days, through our guided instruction and tutorials, they draft their book, launch it, make it a best seller, build their own sales funnel and run a profitable campaign.
Referral partners earn $1,000
Author Your Brand (Premium)
For the ‘do it yourself’ type, the above course (Author Your Brand: Premium) is also available for self-study. It includes all of the above tutorials, links, homework, and resources premium members enjoy. Notably, many of the same vendors I personally use (designer, admin, editors, proofers) are listed in the resource section; saving the author huge amounts of time and heartache.
Referral partners earn $250
Real Best Seller
This program builds an entire funnel from Author Your Brand: VIP (see above) and is for authors who already have their book done. It also includes media exposure, the #1 Best Seller launch, brand consulting and makeover (if requested). Like Author Your Brand, this is 100% done for you, including helping the author create an additional digital product, course or high-ticket product offering.
Referral partners earn $1,000
Pricing on these services range from $1000 to S25,000. I never quote a specific price to an author until we have a conversation to fully uncover their needs and goals. As a referral partner, you understand the danger of quoting an investment level without fully understanding what is needed or being offered.
The Process: In order to refer me, we first must have a conversation so we can both understand our mutual businesses. Once that is done, a simple email introduction is all that is required. Once your client has wired their deposit or completed payment, your referral dollars are sent via Paypal within 2 business days. Guaranteed.
Your Next Steps Drop me a line, schedule a quick call and let’s serve more people… together.
Dawn Furdiga
Madeleine Davis
Herve Da Costa
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