I am genuinely excited to have you on our show. Check your email and add your show segment to your calendar.
On the day and time of our booking, go to https://dougcrowe.link/show
Nothing puts people to sleep faster than to hear, “Bueller…” Vary your pitch, tone, pace, and excitement. People want to tune in. Don’t tune them out.
You must have a clear focus on your topic and your personality. Nobody likes wishy-washy guests. The clearer you are, the more attentive your audience will be.
The worst thing you can do is focus on yourself. The best thing you can do is thank the host, call them by their first name, and give them the questions to ask you in advance. Making the host's job easier makes you look more professional.

If you have an additional lighting source-use it. If not, orient your camera so natural light is hitting your face, not your background. A neutral background or one that is professional looks best.
This is your time to shine!
This is one of the lights we use. Click here or on the image to get yours.
Good radio is a coffee-talk type conversation. Don’t read anything… ever. You can use notes on your main points, but reading anything, line-by-line is a radio death.
When you smile as you speak, the muscles in your face create a different flavor in your voice. Get a mirror. No one can see you on a non-video podcast, but everyone can hear a smile on the air.
Babies and puppies can sell cars, but controversy sells ad space on the radio. You don’t have to endorse the KKK, but if you can be contrarian in your views and slightly controversial in your opinion, people will stick around– regardless if they agree or disagree with you.
Don’t be an infomercial. Yes…we all know your book or brand is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Problem is, nobody cares. Talk about solutions, benefits, and give till it hurts.
You must be crisp and succinct in your answers and opinions. Droning on is not conducive to this medium. This isn’t CSPAN, so get to the point. Be on time and move the show along at a brisk clip.
We can't stress the benefits of servant leadership enough. Give away your very best information. Don’t hold back. When you give away 7 out of 10 secrets, they’ll come back for the other three. But, only if the first 7 were brilliant.
The worst thing you can do is lie or be evasive from the truth. Nobody is perfect and we all respect a come-back story. If your story has a tragic beginning; share it. Empathy creates connections.
You are not Edward R. Murrow. You are not delivering the news. Your job is to entertain and perform. You may not be a comedian, but you have to at least be interesting. Have fun.
Your professional image will be enhanced with proper audio. There are hundreds of microphones available for podcasts. Get a decent, external microphone and use a headset.
Headset or earphones?
My personal opinion is to ditch the headset. Most platforms can adjust your external audio to prevent feedback. Before your episode, talk to your host and make sure the global settings allow you to have a conversation without a headset.
This is the mic we use. Click here or on the image to order yours.
Your primary mission is to align yourself with another brand. But never neglect an opportunity to sell. Instead of a blatant pitch, however, give away something of value for free.
Most hosts are familiar with your intent. You want to promote or sell something and they should give you a chance to share your website or phone number. Sometimes they forget. Regardless of what happens, be aware of the time and be sure to leave your phone or website to allow listeners the chance to get more information.
Never start or leave an interview without showing gratitude. Thank your host (on air), thank the producer (off-air), and send a handwritten thank you note to separate you from everyone else.
Before or after your interview, ask the engineer or producer if you can have a copy of the interview. Publish the interview on your blog and get a transcript made to go with it to boost your SEO. Link back to the host’s show for those precious backlinks.
Immediately after your interview, if the host has time, ask for honest feedback. If they are pressed for time, set a follow-up call to get their opinion on what you can do better for your next interview. This shows humility and might pre-book your next interview!
I guarantee 99.9% of radio hosts and producers have never heard a guest ask this question after an interview. Be part of the .1% and stand out forever. After your interview, continue servant leadership by focusing on your host. Ask them:
“What topics do you have coming up? There may be someone in my network that can help
give you some perspective or content for your next program.”
Bingo! You are a connector. Be sure to subscribe to all the shows you want to be a guest on. It is not only common courtesy, but it will help you get a feel for the show’s “vibe.”
Welcome to the big leagues.
Headline: What is the major benefit of listening to you? (i.e. “How I failed my way to success”) One sentence is best.
Story: Your story, journey, failure, resurrection, etc. (1-2 min. answer)
Unique theme: How is your solution different or better? (2-5 min. answer)
How do you apply it?: How did you or a customer apply this idea? (3-5 min. answer)
What is your biggest blunder: (2-4 min. answer)
What is your biggest success: (2-4 min. answer)
What would you do differently?: (1-3 min. answer)
BONUS: Offer a special gift for your listeners. Offering a special incentive for the listeners is highly recommended. (i.e. “For your listeners, Doug, I’ve prepared XXX. They can download it here….”)