Be Featured in a Best Selling Book

Converation MarketingIf you are on this page, that probably means you’ve received a personal invitation for an interview.

Lucky you…

We’ve all heard about content marketing or the phrase, “content is King” but since we’ve all heard of it, the internet is kind of full, isn’t it?

Conversation Marketing is a business book that will discuss, reveal and showcase the next big trend in marketing.


Is it social marketing? Yeah…a little.

Is it content-based marketing? Umm… a wee bit.

But, the main emphasis is on how ordinary business people converse, convince, influence and sell their product and brand through dialogue…not monologues.

The book will be published in late 2017 and this is where you come in.


What’s in it for you?

  1. You… in a Best Seller. My team has successfully launched over 174 Amazon best sellers. “So what?” well…if YOUR story is in the book, your name, business and story will be showcased to tens of thousands of people. That’s some pretty cool free marketing for you.
  2. You… in the Media. Our book launch will be featured in over 100 News channels. Again, ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX won’t be talking about the book directly. Instead, they will be showcasing individual stories…YOUR story.
  3. You… Featured in 100+ social media sites. After the  launch our book campaign will catapult the book to over 100+ bloggers, reviewers, social media sites, Linkedin groups, etc. Our program is rather extensive and your story will be the center piece.

NOTE: This is not a solicitation or guaranteed placement. There is no fee to be in the book and there is no guarantee your story will pass the wrath of the editors. However, the interview process only takes about 5-10 minutes. Click here to schedule your interview.

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